Windows on Win32




  1. This feature contains a win32 version of the device client that can be used for building and debugging applications on the Windows desktop platform.
  2. Commonly, the fonts used when dealing with cairo are Freetype fonts on UNIX, and Win32 fonts on Windows platforms.
  3. If you're on Windows, click the binaries link, and then the win32/ link.
  4. A Method for Quick Close Windows Based on Win32 Hook
  5. This article introduces the 32 bits Assembly Programming Language under the circumstances of windows operating system based on the Dos user's view, This paper analyzes the most useful model program of win32 Assembly Language and provides a further studying method about the application of the computer language.
  6. The paper develops the real-time testing software system based on Windows, gives three different ways to achieve timing control: standard Win32 timers, multimedia timers and interruption, as well as an example to apply the software on ventilator tester.
  7. WTL full name of Windows Template Library, is based on the Win32 C template template library technology for the development of lightweight, fast and compact client interface.